Restock Dates
As a result of Covid-19 and maritime industrial action we have been experiencing a shortage of stock.
Please see dates below for product restocks.
Kindly be aware that these are estimates and may move depending on port delays docking into Sydney.
Chameleon Readers: Due late June
Calm Down Bottles: now available
Edx Education: In stock
Enchantmints: ln Stock
Drewart: Febuary
Fagus: approx June 2021
Gluckskafer: June
Grimms: Late May
Grapat: Mid May
Hey Doodle: In Stock
Just Blocks: In stock
Kitpas: In Stock
Learning Resources: early June
Lubulona: In Stock
Mader: mid June
Magic Wood: late May
Ostheimer: No eta at this stage
Q Toys: March
Squigz: early 2021
Stuka Puka: mid Febuary
Two Little Duckling Flash Card and CollectA animal sets: dinosaur sets are coming approx early July
Way to Play: Instock