
Build your own collection of educational play essentials. Carefully curated by Brianna herself, an educator and a mum. Designed to stimulate your kids imagination and inspire their creativity. These monthly shipments of toys, books, and playsilks are an incredible way to keep your kids engaged and entertained in the best way possible.

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Build an exceptional collection of high quality and educational toys. All curated and tested by an educator and a mum herself.


Subscribe and save! Subscription items are better priced in comparison to you buying them individually and once off.


You don't need to spend time choosing and ordering. We will select our top favourites every month and deliver them to your door.

PLAY Subscription

Build your own collection of educational toys. Created to stimulate your kids imagination and inspire their creativity.

Each subscription contains 3-4 toys from our store and has a retail value of at least $80 (and often more).

Designed for both girls and boys. Choose between two age groups 0-2 or 3-5 years.

Shop PLAY Subscriptions 

PLAY Subscription

CollectA Subscription

Build your wonderful collection of animals and accessories for imaginative and creative play.

Every few months we change the theme of the animals. Farm, Sea, Australian Animals, Dinosaurs... It's a surprise!

This subscription includes 3-5 animals or accessories.

Shop CollectA Subscriptions 

CollectA Subscription

Little Readers Book Subscription

Subscription is for AUSTRALIA ONLY

Nurture the love for reading in your little ones. Teach them the appreciation of books and the art of storytelling.

This subscription includes 2 books and a list of activity ideas to extend on the theme and content of each book.

Designed for both girls and boys. Choose between the age groups of 0-2, 3+ or a family box.

Shop Little Readers Book Subscriptions 

Little Readers Book Subscription

Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 0-2
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 0-2
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 0-2
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 0-2
April Little readers 0-2 books and activity guide on display
Dino sensory tray activity with stomp dinosaur stomp book
January 2023 Little Readers box
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 0-2
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 0-2
Bookish play with 0-2 little readers book subscription
Bookish play with 0-2 little readers book subscription
Books from 0-2 little readers book subscription
Bookish play with 0-2 little readers book subscription
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 0-2
0-2 little readers book subscription
Activity from 0-2 little readers book subscription box
What Makes Rain book from 0-2 little readers book subscription box
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 0-2
July 2021-Little Readers 0-2 box Florence and Fox book
The Koala who could book in 0-2 little readers book subscription box

Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 0-2

$34.90 AUD
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+ - The Creative Toy Shop - The Creative Toy Shop
Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+ - The Creative Toy Shop - The Creative Toy Shop
3+ years little reader book subscription box with child reading their books
3+ years little reader book subscription box with child reading their books
3-5 years book with activity of jellyfish craft displayed
3-5 years book with activity  of blobfish craft displayed
Child peeking over 3-5 years book Where do the stars go?

Little Readers Book Subscription - Age 3+

$44.90 AUD
Little Readers Book Subscription - Family Box
Little Readers Book Subscription - Family Box
Books from a monthly book subscription displayed with wand, cape and crown for dress up play
Little Readers Book Subscription - Family Box
Little Readers Book Subscription - NEW Family Box-The Creative Toy Shop-The Creative Toy Shop
books from the family box displayed on comfy chair in play room
Kids reading one of the books from the family box
Walrus craft displayed with Lottie and Walter book
Windows book from the family box with windows drawn on black board
Little Readers Book Subscription - NEW Family Box-The Creative Toy Shop-The Creative Toy Shop
Little Readers Book Subscription - Family Box
Little Readers Book Subscription - NEW Family Box-The Creative Toy Shop-The Creative Toy Shop

Little Readers Book Subscription - Family Box

$42.90 AUD

Sarah's Silk Subscription

Subscription is for AUSTRALIA ONLY

Build your wonderful collection of playsilks for imaginative and creative play.

Each month a new play silk will arrive at your door and inspire hours of play. What will be next?

This subscription includes a surprise play silk by Sarah's Silks. It includes solid colour silks with enchanted silks (multicoloured) featuring around 3 times a year.

Shop Sarah's Silks Subscription 

Sarah's Silks Subscription

Our subscription types

Educational toys

Toy animals



Invitation to play

We’ve come a long way since introducing our first subscription. Our subscriptions have made the life of many parents and carers easier. There are many beautiful benefits to our subscriptions. Such as building your own collection of high quality educational books and toys, anticipation and excitement every month and endless hours of play. It just never gets old.